Sunday, 6 April 2014


This past week was National Stationery Week and I had the complete luxury and pleasure of visiting The London Stationery Show. It was at the Islington Design Centre and was a real treat for me. Ever since my nan lived in a road that had a WHSmith at the end of it (you know when it used to be filled with proper stationery and books and mags back in the day, if anyone wants to know why it has gone wrong, see me after class) ever since then I have been a stationery glutton. A fiend for fine papers, pens and all things desky.

The London Stationery Show was as expected, very marvellously practical and beautiful. Just as William Morris suggests. 
"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” 
The show was full of those very things.
As well as seeing marvellous displays from all of all time faves like Moleskine and Scotch Tape and Post Its and the exhilaration of chatting to fellow enthusiasts there were some hyperventilation moments like when I got given a whole bag of samples to try from PLUS Japan. I was a bit too shy to get my camera out whilst I was strolling from stand to stand. I need a pal to drag along for added bravado. Anyone want to come next year?
Here's a round up of my happy stationery show moments. 
A pencil, yep, just a pencil but it feels soooo good, it has a weightiness to it and it glides over paper. The rubber works too. It's heavenly. It's a Palomino Blackwing. What a tremendous name? I was very kindly given a sample and the place to buy these top of the range pencils as well as loads of other quite delectable desk items is from here.
A stunning array of stationery without breaking the bank AND my personal seal the deal of any internet shopping. FREE DELIVERY. Toot toot. I'm going to have a whole box of them. They are so nice and sketchy.

Another discovery was the Fold Ease. A finger thimble with rollers on. For the bookbinders among you, it's a bone folder for your finger.
Check me out.
They call me Bone Fingers. Anyway, after a bit of practice as it takes some getting used to, these are quite useful little folders. You simply sweep the paper with them and you obtain a precision crease which will appeal to the perfectionists. Even if you only buy one to fold your letters with. It keeps the costs down in the Royal Mail if you keep your papers folded flat as poss. These dudes come in two sizes, there's a gap for your nail if you have talons and they are only £2.99 with free postage if you buy a couple. Fold Ease from here 
From Plus Japan  I got a whole bag of booty. they were so sweet and generous. This roller stamp which miraculously produces perfect prints every time with a variety in detail. This pen that produces a washi tape strip
My bag of swag and a whole host of paraphernalia 
I'm narrowing it all down to a palatable blog post so haven't included everything. It was a great way to spend the afternoon, I got loads of contacts, met some of the people from various companies that I already use and lots of ideas and new approaches. It was all very pleasant and interesting. I'm already excited about next year. 
If you like all this, you'll love this and I want to buy this and next week I am going to tell you all about this fabric pile of divineness.
and I'm still practising my lettering, finding a way through breaking the rules and into something that feels comfortable for me to use. And something that feels like mine despite the myriad of lettering influence that is everywhere.

Have a great week ahead, whatever you are up to.
Spring is here, it is a relief to hear the birds and feel the sun.

"Apricity" is an old word from the 1600s, 
it means to feel the sun's warmth on a winter's day. 


Lizzie said...

No fair! I want to be Louise and live in London and go to art shows and stationery shows and fab shops....

Well, maybe. But you certainly seem to have had a lovely day and I wouldn't have minded being there too. Have followed the links to the luscious stationers (and bookmarked for future drooling sessions and possible shopping opportunities).
What a great goodie-bag. A bit jealous, but honestly pleased for you (ggggrrrrr ;-) )

Love the fabric. I like fabrics almost as much as I love paper... almost...

And the lettering is coming along - the "F" is my favourite.
I'll keep looking!

A bird in the hand said...

Mind-boggling. Seventh Heaven. Paradise! I remember those old WH Smiths. I remember when I used to accumulate stationery and pens and accessories for the love of it, and... well, let me just say, I still write with my mother's fountain pen, a Parker.
As for those "bone fingers" -- they are genius. I want!!
Thank you for this terrific tour. xo

The random ramblings of a magpie mind said...

Ooooh, love the look of the pencil; desperately want the pen with the rolling printer... Very jealous! I have a Friday Pick box in my classroom, for those lovely pupils who do wonde tous things... They love all things stationery too :)
Ps fabulous fabric :))

Louise said...

Thank you Lizzie, Colette and Alex.
It was really nice, come with me next year. I will give you advance notice so you can register.

Colette, I was thinking you were Canadian and wondered how you knew about WHSmiths or is it international?

Lizzie, London has it's moments but mostly it's noisy and dirty and I miss the sky.

Alex, I will save you some bits for your Friday Pick Box. If they like stationery, then they need stationery.

Thanks for lovely thoughtful comments my friends. Next year, you come with, we will organise a Blog Up X

Anonymous said...

Great blog Lou. I can feel the excitement. I would have been the same. As a kid I loved anything stationary, (still do). Used to go to our village bank and post office begging for forms that I could take home and then neatly arrange in various piles next to my pens and a huge rubber collection that I got a tad obsessive about.
Iplease let me know next time there's such a show. Would love to go. I have put my first order in for some cat paper clips for my mums birthday. : ) She'll be squealing too. X

chocolategirl64 said...

wow you lucky beast!
I need to try those foldyfingerrollerthingies!

dear old WHSmiths, when we had to use fountain pens at school and buy jars of deep blue Quink Ink to sniff and get inky fingers filling up the reservoir :-)
sweet memories
count me in for an excuse to sigh and smile at all things in stationery corner x

A bird in the hand said...

You're right, Louise, I am Canadian, but I lived in England for a couple of years; my mother lived there, so I'm intimately familiar with all things British. xx

Louise said...

Anna, we used to do that too, piles of forms and airmail stickers, if the truth be told, I always have a few more than I need.
Choco-Quink Ink-brilliant. And we HAD no choice but to use them at school, everyone had two inky fingers!
Thanks for lovely comments friends XX

Julie Kirk said...

Hello there Bone Fingers [I suggested on my blog this week that people call me The Ring Master - long story - ... it doesn't seem to have caught on yet ...]

What a great invention though!