I've been waiting for the sun to shine so I can take some images of all the work I have been doing lately.
Well, it popped out today for about five minutes and I snapped this which is a tantalising glimpse
of my new/old sketch books.
It was also as windy as the windy city so I had to gather all of my 'professional' equipment
(rickety step ladder, sheets of white paper and battered camera)
and run back inside for another day.
These sketch books incorporate a lot of off cuts and special papers from other jobs that I do
and are a mix of sizes and shapes.
There are some heavy grade rich watercolour type papers for wet media,
music sheets, old photographs,
graph paper, maps and a heavy black Somerset paper.
I always think these sketch books are for those afraid of a blank page (yelp, me too)
and those that loved Lucky Dips when they were little (or big? anyone?)
When the sun shines and the wind becomes a baby's breath then I shall do some more
'studio' shots and get these loaded up to the shop.
I've also got a new edition involving insects and passports and general mayhem
all laid out on the bench waiting for a seamstress (me again)
and paintings and prints galore.
I can feel a giveaway coming on.