Tuesday 16 March 2010

ȭ bubbling over or it's blubby over Ỡ

What can I possibly say?
Hello? I'm back? It's weird, I'm weird.
Holiday blues, post-trip depression? I dunno.
I'm full of stuff, ideas, drawings, writings, rearrangements of lives, 
further yoga practises, deep thoughts and sadness, full of it but there is no outlet.

I need lancing.

I'll get back to you


Anna Betts said...

Aw, good to have you back. Can't wait to see all the exciting things thought ooze out of you... Now there's a delightful thought! xx

rebecca said...

Oh Lou.
I hate post-holiday depression.
Ideally every holiday would last one day longer than the point at which you long for home, so that the depression never sets in and you really get your fill of a place. And if that never happens, then maybe you're meant to move to Mysore or something...

Kisses and hugs from beyond the pond.

Lizzie said...

Glad you made it home safely.

I hope you get to take the time you need to adjust and mull over all those idea.

We'll still be here when you're ready to start talking again.

Sara Bowen said...

Hi Louise, I've really enjoyed your tales from Southern India: it made me want to pack up my rucksack and take off again right now! But there's always that post-travel slump to get over... which I'm sure you will. I suppose in a way we mourn the passing of a glimpse into other people's lives, but I'm sure that everything you saw and smelled and heard and absorbed will live again in your art and books - can't wait to see what you make of it all once you've had the chance to let the whole experience settle. Sara

Unknown said...

I'll be here when your ready to spill!

glad to at least have you back s&s for now x

Francesca said...

wow! it's hard coming home, especially if there have been some life changes. sounds like you need to catch your breath! relax...and come back soon.

the letters i wish i'd written... said...

a nice cup of tea, a sit down, perhaps a lovely biscuit and the promise of extra daylight just round the corner.